Title Agency Amount Duration
Alex Afanasyev (PI) ICN-WEN: Collaborative Research: ICN-Enabled Secure Edge Networking with Augmented Reality UCLA/NSF & Intel $335,160 2017-2024
Alex Afanasyev (PI) Named Data Networking for 5g C-V2X Ford Motor Co. $100,000 2018-2023
Alex Afanasyev (PI), Julio Ibarra (Co-PI) Fabric Adaptive programmaBle network Research Infrastructure for Computer science (FABRIC) UNC/NSF $300,001 2019-2022
Alex Afanasyev (PI) CC* Integration-Large: SCI-DRON: Scientific Distributed Data Repositories Over NDN Texas Tech. Univ. / NSF $78,457 2021-2023
Mohammadhadi Amini (PI), Shabnam Rezapour Behnagh (Co-PI), Naphtali Rishe (Co-PI) Agent-based Learning to Utilize Local Data for Activity Recognition George Mason University / US DHS $74,791 2021-2023
Janki Bhimani (PI) Collaborative Research: CNS core: OAC core: Small: New Techniques for I/O Behavior Modeling and Persistent Storage Device Configuration NSF $271,071 2020-2023
Janki Bhimani (PI), Liting Hu (Former-PI) RumorHunt: A Next-Generation Online Scalable Streaming System for Early Rumor Detection USF/CyberFlorida $75,000 2020-2022
Leonardo Bobadilla (PI) Collaborative Research: EAGER: Foundations of Secure Multi-Robot Computation NSF $97,494 2020-2023
Leonardo Bobadilla (PI), Ryan Smith (Co-PI) NRI: FND: Extending Autonomy in Seemingly Sensory-Denied Environments Applied to Underwater Robots NSF $605,569 2020-2023
Leonardo Bobadilla (PI), Gregory Reis, Ryan Smith, Kevin Boswell, Henry Briceno, Camilo Road (Co-PIs) Acquisition of a Combined Aerial and Underwater Motion Capture System ARO $599,253 2021-2023
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) SaTC: CORE: Small: Deconstructing and Neutralizing Search Rank Fraud NSF $450,644 2020-2023
Bogdan Carbunar (PI), Peter Clarke (Co-PI) Collaborative Research: EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Just-in-Time Artificial Intelligence-Driven Cyber Abuse Education in Social Networks NSF $192,921 2021-2023
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) A Distributed System for Early Intrusion Detection and Assessment of Cybersecurity Risks US Dept of State CRDF Global $75,000 2021-2022
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) Graduate Assistance in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence at Florida International University US Dept of Education $304,389 2021-2024
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) SaTC: CORE: Small: Efficient Plausible Deniability Systems SUNY / NSF $29,100 2022
Dong Chen (PI) Online Learning and Visualization for Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Privacy-Enhanced IoT Networks USF/CyberFlorida $37,500 2020-2022
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI), Scott Graham (Sr. Inv.), Tao Li (Former Sr. Inv.) CREST: Center for Aquatic Chemistry and the Environment (CAChE) NSF $5,480,149 2016-2023
Shu-Ching Chen (Sr. Inv.), Scott Graham (Sr. Inv.), Leonardo Bobadilla (Sr. Inv.), Gregory Reis (Sr. Inv.) CREST Phase II: Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment (CREST-CAChE) NSF $3,000,000 2021-2026
Shu-Ching Chen (PI) Conference: Puerto Rico Honey Bee and Evolution of Invasive Organisms on Islands; August 13-15, 2019; San Juan, Puerto Rico NSF $50,000 2019-2021
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI), Miguel Alonso, Jr. (Co-PI) RAPID: A Platform for Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Healthcare System NSF $159,300 2020-2022
Shu-Ching Chen (PI), Miguel Alonso, Jr. (Co-PI), Steven Luis (Co-PI) SCC-PG: JST: Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Emergency Response and Disaster Management NSF $75,000 2020-2022
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI) Public Hurricane Loss Model Florida Dept. of Insurance Regulation $1,058,042 2020-2022
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI) Development and Evaluation of a General Drag Mode for Gas-Solid Flows via Physics Informed Deep Machine Learning US Dept. of Energy $500,000 2020-2023
Shu-Ching Chen (PI) Conference: Island Population Responses to Environmental Stresses NSF $35,000 2021-2022
Shu-Ching Chen (PI), Steven Luis (Co-PI) SCC-IRG JST: Multimodal Data Analytics and Integration for Effective COVID-19, Pandemics and Compound Disaster Response and Management NSF $750,000 2021-2024
Peter Clarke (PI) Examining the Clinical Workflow and Outcomes of Integrating Health Information Technology Univ. Of Alabama/AHRQ $20,919 2019-2021
Peter Clarke (PI), Debra Davis (Co-PI) SCIS
Subproject of Integration of Health Information Technology and Promotion of Personhood in Family-Centered Dementia Care
NIH $223,975 2020-2025
Peter Clarke (PI) Catalyst Project: Development and Implementation of Intelligent Adaptive Cyberlearning System for Minority Freshmen Students Alabama A&M Univ. / NSF $60,000 2021-2023
Mark Finlayson (PI) CAREER: Learning Multi-Level Narrative Structure NSF $660,000 2018-2023
Mark Finlayson (PI) ACUMEN: Analyzing Cultural Motif Effects in Networks – Motif Influence Networks in Social Media SIFT/DARPA $669,794 2019-2022
Mark Finlayson (PI) Automated Timeline Summarization of Defendants MITRE $56,501 2020-2021
Mark Finlayson (PI) Moving Out on Vaccines (MOoV) MITRE $40,000 2021-2022
Mark Finlayson (PI) Building a Causal and Influence Network for Risk Prediction (NLP AI) MITRE $57,198 2021-2022
Mark Finlayson (PI) YFA: Computational Narrative Representations for Information Operations DARPA $465,821 2021-2023
Mark Finlayson (PI) RADII: Reticular Analysis of Discourse for Influence Indicators SIFT/DARPA $149,427 2021-2025
Hu (PI; transferred to VA Tech)
SPX: Collaborative Research: NG4S: A Next-Generation Geo-Distributed Scalable Stateful Stream Processing System NSF $315,266 2019-2022
Liting Hu (PI; transferred to VA Tech) CAREER: Scalable and Adaptive Edge Stream Processing NSF $197,598 2020-2025
Julio Ibarra (PI) Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Assoc of Univs for Rsrch in Astronomy $17,802,500 2014-2022
Julio Ibarra (PI), Russell Clark (Co-PI), Heidi Morgan (Co-PI) IRNC: RXP: AtlanticWave-SDX: a distributed intercontinental experimental SDX NSF $4,128,522 2015-2022
Julio Ibarra (PI) Partnership to Advance Throughput Computing (PATh) Univ. of Wisconsin Madison / NSF $32,026 2022
Julio Ibarra (PI) Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) – Track 3: Operations & Integration Services University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign / NSF $216,655 2022-2023
Julio Ibarra (PI), Heidi Morgan (Co-PI), Donald Cox (Co-PI), Luis Lopez (Co-PI), Jeronimo Bezerra (Co-PI) IRNC: Core Improvement: Americas-Africa Lightpaths Express and Protect (AmLight ExP) NSF $3,115,366 2020-2025
Julio Ibarra (PI), Heidi Morgan (Co-PI), Yufeng Xin (Co-PI), Jeronimo Bezerra (Co-PI) IRNC: Core Improvement: AtlanticWave-SDX: A Distributed Experimental SDX Supporting Research, Experimental Deployments, and Interoperability Testing on Global Scales NSF $5,254,543 2020-2025
S. S. Iyengar (PI) STIR: COVERT ID: Cybersecurity Operations Vectors: Verifying External Resilience of Transgressors and their Identification through Cybersecurity Forensics Army Research Office $60,000 2021-2022
S. S. Iyengar (PI), Kemal Akkaya, Jose Almirall, Kevin Lothridge (Co-PIs), Jerry Miller, Monique Ross (Key Personnel) The Forensic Investigations Network in Digital Sciences (FINDS) Research Center Army Research Office $915,000 2021-2026
S. S. Iyengar (PI) AI
Learned: Cyber Forensics for Defense (CYFORD)
US Army XTech Search $5,000 2021-2025
Amin Kharraz (PI) WEBHASH: A Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Social Engineering Attacks Microsoft $150,000 2021-2022
Amin Kharraz (PI) GRIDSHIELD: Detecting Patient Zero Threats in Distributed Energy Ecosystem Members of I/UCRC Phase I University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Center for Infrastructure Trustworthiness in Energy Systems
$62,000 2022-2023
Jason Liu (PI), Leonardo Bobadilla, Bogdan Carbunar, Mark Finlayson, Scott Graham, Liting Hu, S.S. Iyengar, Monique Ross, Ning Xie (Co-PIs) Center for Advancing Education and Studies on Critical Infrastructures Resilience (CAESCIR) DHS $1,200,000 2017-2023
Jason Liu (PI) Collaborative Research: SHF: Small: Optimization of Memory Architectures: A Foundation Approach NSF $225,000 2020-2023
Jason Liu (PI), Julio Ibarra (Co-PI), Jayanath Obeysekera (Co-PI), Cassian D’Cunha (Co-PI), Yuepeng Li (Co-PI) NSF CC* Compute: RAPTOR – Reconfigurable Advanced Platform for Transdisciplinary Open Research NSF $400,000 2021-2023
Ananda Mondal (PI) CAREER: RUI: NetDA — Protein Network-Based Software for Disease Analysis Using Cliques, Bipartite Graphs, and Diffusion Kernels NSF $505,491 2018-2023
Ananda Mondal (PI) Deep Learning to Discover the Disparities in Lung Cancer between African American and European American Males NIH/FIU RCMI $73,250 2021-2022
Giri Narasimhan (Co-PI) CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: Advanced Cyber Infrastructure Training in Policy Informatics NSF $1,016,000 2019-2023
Giri Narasimhan (PI), Ananda Mondal (Co-PI), Kalai Mathee (Co-PI), Prem Chapagain (Co-PI), Jessica Liberies (Co-PI) RAPID: Bioinformatic Search for Epitope-based Molecular Mimicry in the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Using Chameleon NSF $239,797 2020-2022
Narasimhan (PI)
HDR Institute: Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment UIUC/NSF $97,731 2021-2026
Narasimhan (PI), Miguel Alonso, Jr. (Former PI)
Neural network-assisted identification of parameters affecting mycotoxin risk in US wines USDA $258,253 2017-2022
Niki Pissinou (PI), S.S. Iyengar
REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies NSF $397,684 2019-2023
Niki Pissinou (PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI) RET in Engineering and Computer Science SITE: Research Experience for Teachers on Cyber-Enabled Technologies NSF $600,000 2018-2022
Niki Pissinou (PI) RET in Engineering and Computer Science SITE: Research Experience for Teachers on Cyber-Enabled Technologies NSF $600,000 2021-2024
Niki Pissinou (PI), Sheila Alemany (Fellow) NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Support NSF $57,383 2021-2022
Christian Poellabauer (PI) CHS: Small: Emotion-Aware Internet-of-Things Based on Analysis of Speech and Physiological Data NSF $278,398 2021-2022
Christian Poellabauer (PI) Personalized Mobility Interventions using Smart Sensor Resources for Lower-limb Prostheses Users Shirley Ryan Ability Lab $100,922 2021-2022
Christian Poellabauer (PI), Selcuk Uluagac (Co-PI), Md Tauhidur Rahman (Co-PI) Project HaHa: Low-Cost Hands-on Hardware Security Education CyberFlorida $1,413,129 2022-2023
Raju Rangaswami (PI), Jason Liu (Co-PI), Giri Narasimhan (Co-PI) CNS Core: Medium: Collaborative Research: Generalized Caching-As-A-Service NSF $649,131 2020-2023
Raju Rangaswami (PI) Scale-out Distributed Systems Seagate $29,100 2022
Naphtali Rishe (PI), Scott Graham, S.S. Iyengar (Co-PIs) I/UCRC: Phase II: Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement NSF $1,267,835 2013-2022
Naphtali Rishe (PI) – CFO Kenneth Jessell is Institutional Lead UniversityCity Prosperity Project USDOT $11.4M 2014-2024
Naphtali Rishe (Co-PI) MRI: Development of an Integrated Neuroimaging Instrument with Temporal and Spatial Alignments for Brain Research NSF $3,955,110 2015-2021
Naphtali Rishe (Co-PI) MRI: Development of an Instrument for a Comprehensive Study of Alzheimer’s Disease: Multimodal Imaging, Visualization, Machine Learning and Therapeutic Brain Stimulation NSF $3,423,641 2019-2024
Naphtali Rishe (PI), Todd Crowl (Co-PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI), Shahin Vassigh (Co-PI), Daniel Gann (Co-PI) MRI: Development of an Instrument for Student and Faculty Research on Multimodal Environmental Observations NSF $2,610,307 2020-2025
Monique Ross (PI) CAREER: Cracking the Diversity Code: Understanding
Computing Pathways of those Least Represented
NSF $694,310 2019-2024
Monique Ross (PI) The Path Least Travelled: An Exploration of the experiences of Hispanic students traversing the barriers from a 2-year program to 4-year program as transfer students to careers in
computer science
Duke Univ./Google $96,996 2020-2022
Monique Ross (Former PI, now Co-PI), Mark Finlayson (Co-PI), Selcuk Uluagac (Former Co-PI, now PI) EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Designing and Evaluating Curriculum Modules for Inclusive Integration of AI into Cybersecurity NSF $308,000 2020-2022
Monique Ross (PI), Kathleen Quardokus
Fisher (Co-PI)
EAGER: Broadening the Pathway: A case study analysis of the implications of math and science on computer science graduates’ employability NSF $300,000 2020-2022
Monique Ross (PI) Characterizing Postdoctoral Education, Mentorship, Gender, and Race in the Formation of Academic Engineers and Computer Scientists PSU/NSF $41,495 2020-2023
Monique Ross (PI), Jasmine Batten (Fellow) NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Support NSF $46,883 2021-2022
Monique Ross (PI) Linking Interested Females to Technology (LIFT) Reboot Representation Tech Coalition $250,000 2021-2025
Fahad Saeed (PI) CAREER: Towards Fast and Scalable Algorithms for Big Proteogenomics Data Analytics NSF $415,950 2018-2022
Fahad Saeed (PI), Shu-Ching Chen (Co-I), Francisco Fernandez-Lima (Co-I), Jason Liu (Co-I) Multimodal Machine-Learning and High Performance Computing Strategies for Big MS Proteomics Data with Alzheimer’s & Computing Cluster supplements NIH $949,695 2020-2023
Fahad Saeed (PI) NSF I-Corps Utilizing Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Early Detection and Identification of Mental Disorders NSF $50,000 2021-2022
Fahad Saeed (PI) PFI-TT: Artificial Intelligence-enabled Real-time System for Early Epileptic Seizure Detection and Prediction NSF $250,000 2022-2024
Mo Sha (PI) CAREER: Advancing Network Configuration and Runtime Adaptation Methods for Industrial Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks NSF $171,815 2021-2026
Mark Weiss (PI), Monique Ross (Co-PI) Collaborative Research: Florida IT Pathways to Success (Flit-Path) NSF $1,944,118 2016-2022
Mark Weiss (PI) Developing a 15-Year Agenda for Computing Education Research NSF $79,378 2020-2022
Mark Weiss (PI), Monique Ross (Co-PI), Maria Cristy Charters (Key Person), Tiana Solis (Key Person) SCIS Center for Inclusive Computing Best Practices Northeastern Univ. Center for Inclusive Computing $625,000 2021-2023
Mark Weiss (PI), A. Selcuk Uluagac
(Co-PI), Liting Hu (Co-PI), Stephen Secules (Co-PI), Tiana Solis (Co-PI)
Collaborative Research: Florida Information Technology Graduation Attainment Pathways
NSF $1,898,240 2021-2026
Mark Weiss (PI), Jason Liu (Co-PI), Giri Narasimhan (Co-PI), Steven Luis (Co-PI), Peter Clarke (Co-PI), Masoud Sadjadi (Co-PI) Break Through Tech – Miami Cornell University / Pivotal Ventures / Cognizant Foundation $1,463,367 2022-2023
Ning Xie (PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI) Graph Theoretic Approaches for Cyber Physical Security in Networks USC/ARO $222,855 2019-2022
Ning Xie (PI) Novel Fast Algorithms for Linear Algebra Problems US Army XTech Search $20,000 2021-2025