Virtual Walk-In Undergraduate ADvising

Walk-in advising is intended for general inquiries and prospective students. For more in-depth advising (career planning, GPA and advising holds, and long-term enrollment planning), students should schedule a zoom virtual advising appointment with their assigned advisor through the Panther Success Network on their MyFIU account.


The KFSCIS Virtual Walk-In Undergrad Advising dates and hours are:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 AM to 12 PM and 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Photo of a #FIUSCIS Advisor with a student

Virtual Walk-In Advising is cancelled on the following dates because of First Year and Transfer Orientations, and Holidays:

  • February
    • Thursday,   2/27/2025     (am & pm)
  • May
    • Monday,    5/26/2025     (am & pm)  Memorial Day Holiday – FIU Closed



To participate in virtual Zoom advising, please make sure that you download the most up-to-date version of Zoom onto your computer or phone. Additional information and instructions on downloading and using Zoom can be found here.

In addition, you should have access to a computer/laptop to view your Panther Degree Audit, as well as to be in a location conducive to having your advising session.