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Brazilian students working at FIU’s Discovery Lab

The Brazilian government is thinking of STEM education and that’s why Brazil is paying for undergraduate college students to spend the summer at the School of Computing and Information Science. Science Without Borders, currently have six Brazilian students working at SCIS’s Discovery Lab.

“The program is designed to give them a research experience, where they actually have hands-on use of tools, equipment, and can put their innovative ideas into practice,” said Jerry Miller, director of the Discovery Lab.

Another fascinating application the students are working on is using robots in a way that most people have never considered: using robots to teach autistic children and one team is designing a drone programmed with artificial intelligence. There are commercial drones that do similar things, but they’re expensive. The goal here is to make one which would sell for about $200.

Read more and watch the video here: Science Without Borders Program at FIU | NBC 6 South Florida

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