From improving your rehab to rehabbing your nightlife – these are just some of the problems that about 550 students tried to solve at the recent MangoHacks hosted at FIU’s School of Computing & Information Sciences‘ PG6 Tech Station. Participants in FIU’s largest...
Welcome to MangoHacks 2018
MangoHacks is a place for discovery. It's a 36-hour hackathon that encourages learning, collaboration, growth, innovation, and fun. We will welcome 350+ students from Florida and across the country with amazing mentors, and wonderful sponsors to create amazing things....
UPE Membership Application
Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) is excited to announce the Membership Applications for Fall 2017 are now open! In order to apply, please visit UPE is the largest tech student organization in our school, consisting of over two hundred members and...
CEC Fall 2017 Commencement Ceremony
Every semester the College of Engineering and Computing organizes a special ceremony called the Induction to the Profession Ceremony to recognize its graduating students and induct them into the Order of the Engineer, the Order of the Constructor or the Order of the...
Open Faculty & Instructor Positions
FIU’s School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) is a rapidly growing program of excellence at Florida International University (FIU). The School has 29 tenure-track faculty members and over 2,000 students, including over 90 Ph.D. students. The School is...
IT student Ricardo Salafia, talks about the future of Gaming & Computing
Information technology student, Ricardo Salafia, who is a member of the Panther Esports team that competes in Overwatch tournaments as part of a national network of collegiate gaming clubs. Is featured in FIU News series, Introduced. Watch the video...
SCIS Alumni reached $950K goal during StartUP FIU
If the numbers are right, we’ll fund you. ~ Howard Lubert of Keiretsu Forum Jason Dettbarn, School of Computing and Information Sciences alumni, introduced a business that he developed in collaboration with a senior design course. His team includes several former...
Ms. Medhini Narasimhan, wins the ISCB Student Council Best Poster Award
SCIS congratulates Ms. Medhini Narasimhan, a visiting undergraduate student, for winning the ISCB Student Council Best Poster Award at Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology Conference (ISMB 2016). Congratulations to Prof.Narasimhan, Medhini Narasimhan’s advisor....
Brazilian students working at FIU’s Discovery Lab
The Brazilian government is thinking of STEM education and that’s why Brazil is paying for undergraduate college students to spend the summer at the School of Computing and Information Science. Science Without Borders, currently have six Brazilian students working at...
Ricardo Mizos overcomes autism and earns a degree in Information Technology
Ricardo Mizos, 23, has autism but with support from his parents and early therapeutic intervention, he recently graduated with a degree in information technology and plans on returning to in the fall for graduate school. One of the challenges of autism is paying...