
IT Industry Cluster Analytics Group Call for Participation

Florida International University and the Haas Center at UWF will host a meeting on March 29th with key communications, software, and modeling, simulation, and training (MST) companies to discuss Florida workforce needs. Learn more and RSVP....

Miami Herald: App Economy Potential Sizzles

Miami Herald: App Economy Potential Sizzles

Article features FIU Computer Science students developing iOS apps in class COP4655, as senior projects and in the AppDojo community.   Read more here:

State Farm’s Lending Hand

State Farm’s Lending Hand

Discovery Lab received $50,000 from State Farm to expand their business and technology education programs. Helping the university impact the community with their innovations. “We work long hours, but we are working on exciting projects and collaborating with other...

Storm Surge Simulator Brings Realistic Threats

Storm Surge Simulator Brings Realistic Threats

Residents of South Florida can now visit a website to educate them on the true threats they are vulnerable in case of a hurricane. FIU and the Miami-Dade county are helping run the hurricane season much smoother.   Read more...

The S.S.S.

The S.S.S.

The Storm Surge Simulatorn a simple hurricane severity ranking system. Created by FIU students with the help of the county, this simulator will be helping over half a million residents with evacuation precautions and decisions.   Read more...

Naphtali Rishe Impacts Miami Real Estate

Naphtali Rishe Impacts Miami Real Estate

Director of FIU's High Performance Database Research, says this is bread and butter for researchers like me. Rishe distinguishes himself by attacking the way people search for sales trends. He is thrilled that much of his lab’s data is used by real estate...