
Cyber Security FIU Delegation Summit

Cyber Security FIU Delegation Summit

Florida International University (FIU) is celebrating its 50th anniversary and to mark the occasion, the institution has continued its commitment to providing high achieving students the opportunity to receive a top-quality education. FIU will invest in its top...

2018 Week of Welcome Round Up

2018 Week of Welcome Round Up

Week of Welcome 2018 brought to you by the SCIS Advising Center, student organization and more … The School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) just closed its fourth Week of Welcome (WOW) with a grand bash party on Friday 8/31/18. This year, Ms. Ruth Suarez...



The 1st IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR) has held a whole day retreat on the first day of the conference on April 10th and invited the pioneers and leaders in the multimedia research community to discuss the...

CEC Senior Design Project Showcase

CEC Senior Design Project Showcase

This year SCIS Senior Project Showcase will collaborate with College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) to host its 1st Annual Senior Design Project Showcase event on April 20th, 2018 at the FIU Ocean Bank Convocation Center (FIU Arena). The inaugural event will bring...

IBM Research post Research being performed at I/UCRC CAKE

IBM Research post Research being performed at I/UCRC CAKE

The Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement (CAKE), started at Florida International University and Florida Atlantic University under the advocacy of the National Science Foundation. Looking for better-unbiased ways for predicting the performance of financial...

2018 Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge

2018 Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge

Do you have a business idea? Participate in the 2018 Miami Herald Business Plan Challenge for a chance to get covered in The Miami Herald and get exposed to potential investors. The Business Plan Challenge is sponsored by Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center. You only...

Panther Alumni Week with guest Mr. Rick Tuttle

Panther Alumni Week with guest Mr. Rick Tuttle

SCIS had special guest alumni visit, Rick Tuttle, class of 87', for FIU's Panther Alumni Week (P.A.W.). Rick Tuttle is a Senior Web Developer at National Auto Lenders in Miami Lakes where he leads a team building web and mobile apps. Rick was able to visit Maria...