Service to the community is an important mission we strive to fulfill. Our school seeks to have both a global scientific impact and an engaged and relevant local impact on technology-related industries in Miami and South Florida. Whether we are providing advanced workshops for teachers, demonstrating the state-of-the-art technology at an event, or providing at-risk students with opportunities to learn about technology, our faculty, staff, and students are committed to sharing our knowledge and talents for the betterment of society
Unlocking Tomorrow’s Frontiers: KFSCIS Faculty Retreat Develops Visionary Strategies
In a captivating Spring Faculty Retreat held at the Doubletree Hilton Doral, faculty members explored tomorrow’s frontiers in computer science as they focused on visionary strategies and innovations for the future. Faculty members began this year’s strategic planning...
Save the Date: CEC Fall 2023 Senior Design Project Showcase
The senior design showcase brings several undergraduate students from different disciplines to showcase their final products as family, friends and industry affiliates come out to watch them demonstrate their projects. Nearly 400 seniors present their team-based...
KFSCIS Women Join the Way Forward at the Grace Hopper Celebration
A cohort of 50 promising young KFSCIS women joined more than 30,000 attendees at this year’s Grace Hopper Celebration in Orlando. This year's theme, The Way Forward, provided a rallying cry for the tech industry to come together and create a more inclusive...
Commercialization of Early Detection Technologies for Epileptic Seizures
AI-Neotech, a spinoff company of Dr. Fahad Saeed, has been awarded a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant to explore the commercialization of technology invented at KFSCIS leading to the detection of oncoming epileptic seizures. The company will explore the...
ShellHacks in photos: Florida’s largest hackathon lights up Miami
Florida's tech boom is no longer just a moment. It's a movement. That was made clear recently at ShellHacks, Florida’s largest hackathon. More than 1,200 hackers from all over the world participated in the 36-hour coding fest at FIU’s Biscayne Bay...
Matchmaking Proteins Using Machine Learning
Professor Giri Narasimhan and Dr. Vitalii Stebliankin created a machine-learning model to predict how protein molecules will bind together, important for designing new medications and vaccines. The AI-based method uses biological and structural information to score...
AI-driven RFID Sensing for Smart Health Applications
Many existing health monitoring systems are expensive, uncomfortable to wear, or can only be administered in a hospital environment. With advances on the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is highly desirable to...
Protecting your self-driving car – and your privacy – from cyberhackers in the age of AI
Imagine driving down the highway when suddenly your brakes slam, your engine turns off and your doors lock. A hacker has remotely taken control of your car. Preventing this hypothetical scenario is a focus of automakers everywhere. As cars become loaded...
Come Join TechTogether Miami, One of the first large gender-focused hackathons in Florida!
Written by: Mareline Ramirez The first-ever TechTogether Miami Hackathon, led by 16 Panthers, is set to happen at Miami Dade College (MDC)! TechTogether Miami will be a 24-hour event, launching on May 5-6, 2023, and will take place in-person. The event is being held...
Congratulations to WiCyS at FIU for winning the Student Chapter Leadership Award
Left to right: Heidys Cabrere, Nava Haim, Analia Camarda, Danay Rumbaut, Zipporah Thomas, Tiana Solis, Lalliet Aberg Cobo, Yessenia Lopez Reyes, Emma Chu WiCyS is committed to bringing outstanding women together to celebrate and grow their passion and drive for...