Dr. Iyengar is recognized at FIU’s Book Authors’ Recognition Reception

Faculty Highlight

Dr. Iyengar is recognized at FIU's Book Authors' Recognition ReceptionIn April, FIU held the Book Authors’ Recognition Reception and presented awards to the faculty with books that are highly regarded in their industry.

SCIS own Dr. Iyengar was awarded for his book “Smart Grids: Security and Privacy Issues”. The book provides the theoretical means for maintaining the privacy and security of smart grids. Also, a thorough treatment of privacy and security issues for researchers in the fields of smart grids, engineering, and computer science. It presents comprehensive insight to understanding the big picture of privacy and security challenges in both physical and information aspects of smart grids.

See more books by Dr. Iyengar at Research Commercialization and Impact.

Read more about other authors award here FIU Book Authors’ Recognition Reception