The hackathon was the third and last spring event organized by middle school girls from the FIU Coding Clubs. Thirty students participated: 18 from the FIU Coding Clubs and 12 from our partner Code/Art, a local nonprofit organization. Four SCIS female students facilitated the event. The hackathon had the goal of creating a website showing event pictures and the group projects/games created in Scratch. All participants will be able to access the website during their free time at home to improve their projects and to play the games created by their peers. Out of four choices dealing with global warming and pollution, the participants selected eliminating ocean pollution as the theme of the hackathon.
Scratch Projects/Games:
- Fish dodging water pollution (3)
- Distinguishing between recyclable and non-recyclable trash on beaches (2)
- Divers collecting ocean trash (2)
- A modern world without ocean pollution 100 years into the future (1)
- Community service to help ocean animals in need (2)
See more information about the event here: