Saturday, April 14th, 120 amazing high school computer science students and their teachers participated in our 13th Annual FIU High School Programming Competition. They were amazing in every way. I know many of you graduated from South Florida high schools, and you might find your school among them.
It’s really amazing that Cypress Bay High School’s team was able to solve 10 difficult problems in only 4 hours. And Doral Academy solved 9 problems. The problems required the kinds of algorithms taught in Data Structures here at FIU (weighted shortest path, spanning trees, dynamic programming).
I want to give my most generous thank you to our fine group of dedicated judges let by Giuseppe Vietri, Wendy Martinez, Jesus Cabrera and former members of the FIU programming team; Dr. Mark Weiss, the keynote speaker; and the amazing group of volunteers who made this all possible.
Kierstin Matsuda, Volunteer supervisor
Volunteers: Ariel Vigueras, Cristian Cepeda, Jehf Denezaire, Leonel Diaz, Christian Gamboa, Isabel Heyninck, Adolfo Jimenez, Noah Ortega, Frantz Paul, Fernando Perez, Vanessa Rivero, Chris Solano, Giancarlo Vazquez, Antonio Ramos, Alberto Cabello
Each year for the last 13 years, FIU has offered this programming competition to the South Florida Community. In addition to sponsorship by Ultimate Software, the contest is supported by the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University.
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