Applications are invited for one or more tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at the levels of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. A Ph.D. in Computer Science or related areas is required. Outstanding candidates are sought in the areas of (1) Computer Security, (2) Bio/Medical/Health Informatics, and (3) Data Integration/Search/Visualization. Exceptional candidates in other areas will be considered as well. Candidates for senior positions must have a proven record of excellence in research funding, publications, teaching, and professional service, as well as demonstrated ability for developing and leading collaborative research projects. Outstanding candidates for the senior positions will be considered for the endowed Ryder Professorship position. Successful candidates are expected to develop a high-quality funded research program and must be committed to excellence in teaching at both graduate and undergraduate levels.

Florida International University (FIU), the state university of Florida in Miami, is ranked by the Carnegie Foundation as a comprehensive doctoral research university with high research activity. FIU offers over 200 baccalaureate, masters and doctoral degree programs in 21 colleges and schools. With over 38,000 students, it is one of the 25 largest universities in the United States, and boasts a new and accredited Law School and the newly created College of Medicine.
The School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) is a rapidly growing program of excellence at the University. It has 30 faculty members (including nine new faculty members hired in the last five years), 1,200 students including over 70 Ph.D. students, and offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and B.S. and B.A. degrees in Information Technology. The School is one of the largest computing programs in the eleven-university Florida State University System (SUS) and represents 20% of all degrees awarded by the system in the area. SCIS is the largest producer of Hispanic CS and IT graduates in the US. The School has tripled its external research funding in the last six years with $3.8 million in 2008-09 (to date), and is now consistently one of the top two funded research programs in the SUS, in terms of per-faculty annual external funding. The SCIS faculty leads several major NSF sponsored initiatives, including Center of Research Excellence in Science & Technology (CREST), Partnership for International Research & Education (PIRE), Industry-University Corporative Research Center (I/UCRC), Major Research Instruments (MRI), Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), and holds four CAREER Awards from NSF and DOE. The School boosts six research centers or clusters and a first class computing infrastructure and support system. Furthermore, the School enjoys broad and dynamic industry and international partnerships.
Applications, including a letter of interest, contact information, curriculum vitae, and the names of at least three references, should be sent to Chair of Recruitment Committee, School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, FL 33199. On-line submission to https://www.fiujobs.org is preferred; refer to Position Number 44828. The application review process will begin on January 15, 2009, and will continue until the positions are filled. Further information can be obtained from the School website https://www.cis.fiu.edu/, or by e-mail to recruit@cis.fiu.edu.
Florida International University is a member of the State University System of Florida and is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/equal access employer.