KFSCIS Professor Awarded $500,000 NSF Grant for Environment

Faculty Award, Grants & Scholarships, Research

Leonardo Bobadilla Portrait

KFSCIS Associate Professor Leonardo Bobadilla, Principal Investigator, in collaboration with the Institute of Environment, the Division of Information Technology, the International Hurricane Research Center, and the Department of Architecture, has received a new NSF award titled, “CC* Storage: EnviStor: A Repository for Supporting Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on South Florida’s Built and Natural Environments.” Dr. Bobadilla is joined by Co-PIs Julio Ibarra, Jason Liu, Mike Kirgan, and Jayantha Obeysekera, as well as Senior Investigators Biayna Bogosian, Vasilka Chergarova, Todd Crowl, Yuepeng Li, and Gregory Reis. 

The award totals $500,000 over two years. The project will “build EnviStor, which aims to be a centrally managed Petabyte scale storage system that is also a clearing house for supporting interdisciplinary research and modeling involving both built and natural environments in South Florida.” “EnviStor facilitates inter and intra-campus capabilities, augmenting the current FIU storage capabilities from the Terabyte to the Petabyte scale through a low-latency, high-performance, and cost-effective architecture to facilitate the creation of science data products.” 

The full abstract can be found here: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2322308