Lawrence Berkeley National Lab: Internship Experience


Name: Muhammad Haseeb

Ph.D. student, SCIS, Parallel Computing & Data Science Research Group (SaeedLab)

Hometown: Lahore, Pakistan

During Summer 2020, I worked as an intern at the National Energy Research and Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). I was a part of the Application Performance Group mission to research on future exascale HPC technology and software.

My project was to work on Timemory project which is a modular software toolkit for heterogeneous high-performance computing (HPC) performance measurement and analysis, featuring support for a wide range of architectures, programming models & language with negligible overheads. Further, I learned and developed many skills in HPC programming, performance modeling & analysis, template meta-programming, and code-optimization.

My summer work granted me an offer for an internship for Summer 2021 and a pre-offer for post-doc at LBNL upon graduation. Lastly, I would recommend all FIU students to apply and do internships in their respective fields and acquire professional experience as it helps both in academia and for future job prospects.

Written by: Muhammad Haseeb