
New B.A. in Computer Science

New B.A. in Computer Science

The B.A in Computer Science (CS) is intended for students targeting a career in the field of computing. The program provides strong skills in Computer Science combined with their choice of another degree programs such as Digital Media, Business, Economics and more....

Girls who Code Summer Immersion Programs Return to FIU

Girls who Code Summer Immersion Programs Return to FIU

Girls Who Code, the national nonprofit working to close the gender gap in technology, kicked off its 2017 Summer Immersion Program today in Miami in partnership with Citrix and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Florida International University and the Idea...

Citrix visits the Girls Who Code at SCIS Citrix has sponsored Girls Who Code, a summer immersion program dedicated to teaching 19 female high school students about the fields of technology and engineering. We brought some of our brightest female Citrix engineers to...

Summer 2017 Graduate Students Internships

Summer 2017 Graduate Students Internships

The School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) highlights some of the Ph.D. students in Computer Science who have received internship opportunities at important and renowned companies this Summer: Deya Banisakher Deya Banisakher is a Ph.D. candidate at SCIS...

2016-2017 Student Internships

2016-2017 Student Internships

  One of the main goals in the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) is to help its computer science (CS) and information technology (IT) students be prepared to enter the workforce when they graduate. Apart from exposing its student body to student...

SCIS student will intern at CERN

SCIS student will intern at CERN

Alastair Paragas, SCIS student completing his Computer Science degree, will intern at CERN, located in Geneva, Switzerland. CERN is the home of the hadron collider where the Higgs-Boson particle was discovered. Another great development at CERN was the creation of the...