List Of SCIS Current Funded Projects Active In 2019-2020

SCIS Faculty Title Agency Amount Duration
Alex Afanasyev (PI) ICN-WEN: Collaborative Research: ICN-Enabled Secure Edge Networking with Augmented Reality UCLA/NSF & Intel $245,000 2017-2020
Alex Afanasyev (PI) Named Data Networking for 5g C-V2X Ford Motor Co. $100,000 2018-2020
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) TWC: Small: Collaborative: Cracking Down Online Deception Ecosystems NSF $261,652 2015-2018
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Sensorprint: Hardware-Enforced Information Authentication for Mobile Systems NSF $249,652 2015-2018
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) Secure Fraud Detection and Attribution in Online Systems FC2 $25,000 2017-2018
Bogdan Carbunar (PI) EAGER: Monkey Rocket: Validation of Fraud Detection Research NSF $149,999 2018-2020
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI), S.-Masoud Sadjadi (Co-PI), Leonardo Bobadilla (Co-PI), Miguel Alonso (Sr. Inv.), Scott Graham (Sr. Inv.) Convergence Accelerator Phase I (RAISE): Preparing the Future Workforce of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction for Robotic Automation Processes NSF $973,333 2019-2020
Shu-Ching Chen (PI) Conference: Puerto Rico Honey Bee and Evolution of Invasive Organisms on Islands NSF $50,000 2019-2020
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI) Public Hurricane Loss Model Florida Dept. of Insurance Regulation $2,962,979 2017-2020
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI), Scott Graham (Sr. Inv.), Tao Li (Former Sr. Inv.) CREST: Center for Aquatic Chemistry and the Environment (CAChE) NSF $4,380,150 2016-2021
Shu-Ching Chen (Co-PI) Hurricane Catastrophe Fund 2015-2020 State Board of Admin., Florida $40,200 2015-2020
Peter Clarke (Subproject PI) Examining the clinical workflow and outcomes of integrating health information technology UAlabama/NIH-ARQH $16,493 2018-2019
Peter Clarke (PI), Debra Davis, Geoffrey Potvin, Mandayam Thirunarayanan (Co-PIs) Collaborative Research: Engaged Student Learning – Design and Development Level II: Using a Cyberlearning Environment to Improve Student Learning and Engagement in Software Courses NSF $855,621 2015-2020
Mark Finlayson (PI) Detecting and Aligning Narrative Variants for Countering Disinformation ONR $400,000 2017-2019
Mark Finlayson (PI) CAREER: Learning Multi-Level Narrative Structure NSF $234,154 2018-2023
Mark Finlayson (PI) ACUMEN: Analyzing Cultural Motif Effects in Networks – Motif Influence Networks in Social Media SIFT/DARPA $224,565 2019-2021
Mark Finlayson (Co-I) Biosignatures of Executive Function and Emotion Regulation in young children with ADHD NIMH $147,500 2019-2020
Liting Hu (PI) SPX: Collaborative Research: NG4S: A Next-generation Geo-distributed Scalable Stateful Stream Processing System NSF $299,266 2019-2022
S. S. Iyengar (PI), Niki Pissinou (Co-PI) A game theoretic approach to self-configuring, non-cooperative mobile sensors for monitoring moving targets Army Research Office $589,000 2015-2019
S. S. Iyengar (PI), Jerry Miller (Co-PI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Embedded Information Assurance (IA) Workshop Proposal Army Research Office $25,000 2019-2020
Jun Li (PI) CIF: Small: Coding Techniques for Distributed Machine Learning NSF $500,000 2019-2022
Christine Lisetti (PI), Mark Williams (Co-PI) CHS: Small: Advanced Design Principles for Computer Simulated Agents NSF $545,618 2014-2019
Jason Liu (PI), Leonardo Bobadilla, Bogdan Carbunar, Mark Finlayson, Scott Graham, Liting Hu, S.S. Iyengar, Monique Ross, Ning Xie (Co-PIs) Center for Advancing Education and Studies on Critical Infrastructures Resilience (CAESCIR) DHS $1,200,000 2017-2022
Ananda Mondal (PI) CAREER: RUI: NetDA — Protein Network-Based Software for Disease Analysis Using Cliques, Bipartite Graphs, and Diffusion Kernels NSF $279,967 2018-2022
Niki Pissinou (PI) Sensor-Chain: A Demo of Lightweight Blockchain based Internet of Military Things (IoMT) Security Scheme AFOSR $150,000 2019
Niki Pissinou (PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI) REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies NSF $397,684 2019-2022
Niki Pissinou (PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI) RET in Engineering and Computer Science SITE: Research Experience for Teachers on Cyber-Enabled Technologies NSF $600,000 2018-2021
Niki Pissinou (PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI) REU SITE: ASSET: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies NSF $360,000 2016-2020
Raju Rangaswami (PI), Jason Liu, Giri Narasimhan (Co-PIs) CSR: Medium: Collaborative Research: NVM-enabled Host-side Caches NSF $783,461 2016-2020
Raju Rangaswami (PI) SHF: Small: Vertically Integrated Persistence NSF $458,000 2017-2020
Naphtali Rishe (PI), Tao Li (Former Co-PI) III: Large: Collaborative Research: Moving Objects Databases for Exploration of Virtual and Real Environments NSF $1,379,000 2012-2019
Naphtali Rishe (PI), Scott Graham, S.S. Iyengar (Co-PIs) I/UCRC: Phase II: Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement NSF $914,750 2013-2019
Naphtali Rishe (PI), Abraham Kandel, S.S. Iyengar, Tao Li, Malek Adjouadi (Co-PIs) MRI: Development of an Instrument for Acquisition, Management, and Analysis of Super-resolution Aerial Imagery NSF $414,000 2014-2019
Naphtali Rishe (Co-PI) MRI: Development of an Integrated Neuroimaging Instrument with Temporal and Spatial Alignments for Brain Research NSF $3,955,110 2015-2020
Naphtali Rishe (Co-PI) MRI: Development of an Instrument for a Comprehensive Study of Alzheimer’s Disease: Multimodal Imaging, Visualization, Machine Learning and Therapeutic Brain Stimulation NSF $2,938,665 2019-2024
Monique Ross (PI) CAREER: Cracking the Diversity Code: Understanding Computing Pathways of those Least Represented NSF $678,350 2019-2024
Monique Ross (PI) Understanding the Implications of Online Learning and Engagement Strategies with Elements of Competition on Women Students’ Engagement and Fit with Computer Science NSF $300,000 2017-2020
Monique Ross (PI) Verizon Innovative Learning Program for Minority Males Verizon $618,779 2017-2019
Fahad Saeed (PI) CAREER: Towards Fast and Scalable Algorithms for Big Proteogenomics Data Analytics NSF $415,950 2018-2022
Fahad Saeed (PI) CRII: SHF: HPC Solutions to Big NGS Data Compression NSF $7,708 2018-2020
Geoffrey Smith (PI) EAGER: Collaborative: Quantifying Information Leakage in Searchable Encryption NSF $75,000 2018-2020
Mark Weiss (PI), Monique Ross (Co-PI) Collaborative Research: Florida IT Pathways to Success (Flit-Path) NSF $1,944,118 2016-2021
Ning Xie (PI), S.S. Iyengar (Co-PI) Graph Theoretic Approaches for Cyber Physical Security in Networks USC/ARO $114,840 2019-2022
Wei Zeng (PI) EAGER: Computational Teichmuller Theory NSF $265,989 2015-2020

As of 12/09/2019