The girl in the 6’-8” x 3’-4” mosaic is one of the 25 FIU Coding Clubs middle school participants! You can see the coded representation in the lower right. She was the winner among 50 participants in a self-portrait coding competition organized by Code/Art, with whom SCIS has an MOU. A few weeks after the competition, Code/Art received from United Way $25K for the Grand Innovator Award, as shown here: This link shows a picture of Kierstin Matsuda, SCIS student and instructor of FIU Coding Clubs. She is also the Director of Education at Code/Art. With $15K of the $25K, Code/Art hired 30 CS/IT students part-time this Fall 2018. The mosaic is currently displayed at the Pinecrest Library.
In total, Code/Art has hired these many students to work on a per-hour basis:
30 CS/IT students in Fall 2018
25 CS/IT students in Spring 2018
15 CS/IT students in Fall 2017
Watch the video and learn more about the Pixelate It! event on WSVN Channel 7: Volunteers paint pixelated-style mural created by teen coder
Also, watch Univision 23 highlight #FIUSCIS and Code/Art partnership: