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SCIS students worked with SOP Technologies to help develop a “Smart Stormwater” system

FIU SCIS-2018Spring-SmartCitySystem2.0-IntroVideo


Leandro Gonzalez and Luis Miguel Herrnsdorf showcased their project in the CEC Senior Design Project, on building a web app to help cities track and analyze data captured by wireless sensors.  Stop Ocean Pollution (SOP) Technologies’ Smart Stormwater system is an Internet of Things (IoT) solution that uses sensors and web interfaces to prevent water pollution, prevent floods due to clogged stormwater pipes, and help communities save money in stormwater pollution maintenance/removal.

For our Smart Stormwater / Smart City solutions, we’re aiming to provide cities with a system that allows them to more easily capture, analyze and share data captured by distributed sensors/IoT devices. Information about our Smart Stormwater / Smart City system is available at

Read more about the project here: Smart Stormwater – Smart City System 2.0 |  Smart Stormwater (Smart City System) 2.0

See more projects for SCIS senior projects here: Senior Project Showcase – Spring 2018

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