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ShellHacks 2020

The weekend of September 25-27th Upsilon Pi Epsilon virtually held ShellHacks via Hopin, Florida’s largest hackathon. ShellHacks was open to all students with the interest of coming to learn the latest technologies, build innovative projects, and showcase their talents regardless of majors. With over a 1000 participants in attendance along with our sponsors which include but are not limited to Google, Microsoft, and Nike which held workshops along with info sessions in effort to educate and recruit new talent. Aside from learning while having great fun, participants also had a chance to win more than $20,000 in amazing prizes.

If you wish to view any of the workshops from ShellHacks 2020 feel free to watch at We hope to see you at the next ShellHacks. To learn more about how joining UPE at FIU can advance your career in computing and technology, please visit and join the Discord server.

Written by: Justin Venegas

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