ShellHacks Wins Ultrapress Hackathon T-Shirt Contest


A friendly conflict can energize fans and give onlookers something to remember: Red Sox v. Yankees, Frazier v. Ali, Celtics v. Lakers. The rivalry between ShellHacks and Pixel Hacks in the 2018 Official Hackathon T-Shirt Design Contest will go down in Upsilon Pi Epsilon history as a matchup to rival any other.

Ultrapress, in cooperation with Major League Hacking, hosted a Hackathon T-Shirt Design Contest until July 11th, offering heavily discounted t-shirts to whichever hackathon could amass the most votes. Since most participating hackathons only managed a handful of votes, two major contestors emerged: Pixel Hacks, an all-female Bay Area event, and UPE’s own ShellHacks.

The vote totals were mostly even throughout, with ShellHacks pulling forward in the mornings and Pixel Hacks catching up during the evenings, but in the end, ShellHacks emerged victorious with 31.71% of the vote (735 out of 2318 votes total.) This victory would not have been possible without the substantial effort put in by the ShellHacks organizing team, as well as the help of FIU students and alumni who contributed their votes during a voting outreach event held on the last day of the contest.

Of course, there’s more than new shirts planned for the event — UPE is working to make ShellHacks the most exciting fall hackathon FIU has ever seen. It will be an event for all skill levels; beginning Java developers are as welcome as experienced machine learning professionals. With workshops for everything from basic GitHub use to advanced algorithm optimization, the event will have something to offer for everybody.

ShellHacks takes place from September 14th to the 16th — more information can be found at See you there!

Written by: Matt Taylor