Tutoring is offered free of charge to all students enrolled in courses offered by the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences. Our tutors are undergraduate and graduate students who have generously volunteered their time to help others. While we hope that you find our tutors helpful, please keep in mind that tutoring should not be relied upon as a primary source of education.
What Services do tutors offer?
- Syntactic and conceptual review and explanation.
- Analogous examples to help with assignments.
- Debugging help.
- Pointers regarding different ways of thinking about a topic.
- Direction to additional sources of relevant information.
- Occasionally, outright instruction as would be provided in class.
What tutors will NOT do for you
- Type students’ code.
- Provide solutions to problems relating to assignments.
- Provide code for assignments.
- Help students with online quizzes/test.
The purpose of tutoring is to aid students’ learning of course material and understanding of concepts. Tutoring is a supplement to – not a substitute for – classroom instruction and work on assignments.
Tutoring Schedule
Hardware Lab Tutoring
Online and Face to Face tutoring is one of the many services offered to our students by our FIU HLS (Hardware Lab & Services).
FIU STARS is a chapter of the national STARS Computing Corps. Our chapter’s focus is on peer mentoring and tutoring, to prepare students for success in college computing programs.