Ultimate Software Academy for Computer Science Education @ FIU.




The Ultimate Software Academy for Computer Science Education inspires and cultivates the advancement of a community of K-12 teachers and students who continuously rediscover computing and apply its principles to creatively solve problems and engender innovation. We offer workshops for teachers and students, which include hands-on demonstrations of research by FIU computer science professors, problem-solving techniques, and game programming.

Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Kip Irvine, Co-Director
Dr. Giri Narasimhan, Co-Director
Dr. Leonardo Bobadilla
Professor Cristy Charters
Dr. Debra Davis
Dr. Radu Jianu
Dr. Hien Nguyen, Miami-Dade College
Ruben Balmaceda, Assurant Solutions
Jamie Gant, Miami-Dade County Public Schools
For a list of current workshops, visit: https://academy.cis.fiu.edu

The Ultimate Software Academy for Computer Science Education is supported by a 10-year $1M grant from Ultimate Software, and sponsored by the FIU School of Computing and Information Sciences. Students may bring their own laptops or use FIU’s lab computers. Contact email: giri@cs.fiu.edu.

Ruben Balmaceda with his June 2016 Python PyGame workshop participants

Ruben Balmaceda with his June 2016 Python PyGame workshop participants

– updated contact information 9/16/2019