Welcome to MangoHacks 2018


MangoHacks is a place for discovery.

It’s a 36-hour hackathon that encourages learning, collaboration, growth, innovation, and fun.

We will welcome 350+ students from Florida and across the country with amazing mentors, and wonderful sponsors to create amazing things.

MangoHacks is a chance to meet new people, learn something, make something, dream along, and have fun.

Everyone is welcome – from the most experienced hackers, designers, and builders to the thinkers and the curious who have never heard of a hackathon. Regardless of your experience, there is something for you at MangoHacks.

We’d love for you to come learn something new, take the things you love (sports, art, traveling, dogs!) or care about (poverty, sea level rise, hunger) and combine them with technology to make something different, something cool, or something to improve the world.

It’ll be sweet. We Promise.